SunNews E-Letter / February 2021

We launched a new website and brand for a local yoga instructor wanting to grow with live streaming and an on-demand video library. Holistic Movement provides mind and body wellness for women during all stages of life–pre-child, prenatal, postpartum, and menopausal. We used beautiful black and white photos of all types of women in various yoga poses to emphasize the body’s beauty, strength, and form. We designed a new logo mark for the business, as well as provided photography and videography services. VIEW WEBSITE

Before you start posting on social media, it’s so important that your owned content is in tip-top shape. That means your website needs to be tight on design and functioning properly. No matter how many killer posts you write, if you’re sending followers to your website and it has holes, doesn’t align with your mission, or worse, doesn’t align with what you’re posting, you’re wasting your time on social. Your website needs to keep followers interested and ultimately become paying customers.COOL STUFF
comPOST Packs from are home compostable courier envelopes/satchels available in six handy sizes, in packets of 100 envelopes. They have a lovely matte black finish, self-seal strip, and they behave just like a plastic envelope except when left in nature (in a home compost) it will biodegrade in 3-6 months. GET IT

Pomegranates have impressive anti-inflammatory effects. Chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases, including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even obesity. Pomegranates have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins. Test-tube studies have shown that they can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells.MUSIC WE LOVE
Singer Nick Klein and producer Ferdous Dehzad were childhood friends and grew up in a small town called Helmond in the Netherlands. Together as KLYNE, the duo make mellow electronic pop with a nod to reggae rhythm. Their song Water Flow has over 7 million streams and counting on Spotify. It’s truly dreamy. LISTEN
"SDS is our go-to graphic studio for a range of projects including print, web and photographic. As a designer myself, I appreciate their eye for what makes an appealing layout, rarely have we had to give them anything more than passing direction. That’s the true hallmark of a professional."
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